Friday, 25 September 2020


Hey there. It's been a while since the last post, but I've been a bit busy.

2020 huh. Damn! Covid-19 has spoiled the party for everyone this year, but I've still managed to link up with my little guys to get some new product together. They can channel through anything for unlimited time, so it added up to lots of late nights in front of the blue light of a laptop. It isn’t a pretty listen this time, but it isn’t a doomy reflection of the times either. It’s the answer to your stultification. It’s your third eye validation.

Hit the # Key here:


This is what you are in for.

Easter (a brief resurrection)
Resurrection of the last track on The Hopkinsville Goblins Are Back. The original version had a deliberately damp and musty atmosphere and was a lot slower. The intention was for it to slowly seep in as you listened. This version is nearly twice as fast and slaps you in the face while kicking you up the backside.

Know your enemy
Your real enemies are the ones closest to you and they are often smiling.

Johnny Monkey
Apologies to real simians everywhere. May they crap on the bonnet of your Mercedes.

Eyes on me
There is as wide a range of porn around as there are different types of sports. Some of it is truly dehumanising and you have to worry about the state of mind of those making it, let alone watching it. The softer end is getting more and more blurred with the mainstream. Those outraged by porn in general miss the fact that there are living breathing women at the centre of it. Spare a thought for them from your high horse.

Culture mulcher
I was in Bali once, eating in one of their roadside eateries. The radio was playing, giving listeners serious instructions on how to talk like an American teen, like this was what people in Candidasa needed to know. Despite the delicious food in front of me, I felt ill. Almost as ill as when I see an ad using a classic song to peddle insurance/jeans/laundry powder...

The afterbirth of cool
The high water marks of pop culture have stood up some spectacular examples for inspiration. That translates into a culture with its own icons and behaviours and standards that must be followed, just like any other institution. But for every inspiration there are a gazillion wannabees that don’t quite get it. That doesn’t stop them trying though. Meet Shirley, John and Percy and dig the vacant space they inhabit.

Don't try this at home
A natural progression from the preceding track. I sometimes wonder what the likes of David Koresh and the Reverend Jim Jones were like on a boring Tuesday evening when they were at a loose end. Does megalomania have a down time? This one is dedicated to overt and covert narcissists everywhere, and their house plants.

Hit the # key
I can honestly say I have no recollection what this one is about - but it made sense when I wrote it.

Weedy Seadragon
Tropical pirates be here. Drop anchor and bob along to this one. The sequel to Pineapple Rattail on Pink Orange.

Words from the profit
This one is pretty self explanatory. Jesus was a manic depressive with narcissistic tendencies and a flair for the dramatic. These gold-toothed, Armani wearing, private jet having conmen are his pimps.

Bangkok Holiday Inn
Dark tourism exploits the most vulnerable in the world. This is a postcard showing capitalism’s ugliest face.

Do it till your head throbs
Let’s lighten things up with a dance number. Hit the # key and shake that butt…

Here come the sharks
…but watch your back while you’re living it up.

All words, music and production by Alvis Impulsive; (P) and (C) Banzona Music 2020